Building Bridges

Making connections through Mat-Su College
Student Ambassadors.

  I was checking my email and came upon Motor Trend's newsletter featuring the car of the year.  Distracting, huh?  So what would I do but see what they have for us this year.  It's a VW Passat, a Passat that will be made in the US and sold in North America and China.  Now I enjoy automobile eye candy probably more than average but it took me a while to engage with this. 

Styling is what they call 'restrained' and therefore conceals all the finely-engineered car-ness of a German ride.  If I were to camp on styling for a moment, I could contrast it with the new Hyundai Sonata, which reminds me of the Eclipse phase I went through a few years ago.  Over it.  I guess a little Amerian optimism is sinking in here with this winner that is busy sending smoke signals to Taurus lovers.  Oh well, I'm not looking for a new car right now.  I don't think.

    The trouble is, I'm having car trouble.  My gas-sipping Dodge Neon has been dropping its power and strutting its oil light at the worst times, once right as I was leaving for Econ (sorry, Prof! At least it's good on gas!)  Now I checked the oil a week before this all happened, put some in (well, someone else did...;) and drove into the sunset.  I also asked for a once-over when I got my snow tires on.  Not even a red herring, everything looked good.  After leaving an evening class, it dropped its power right after shifting into drive after backing out of my parking spot.  This has happened a couple times.  Sometimes the car doesn't like to stop before taking a right-hand turn.  Sometimes the car doesn't like shifting into drive.  Sometimes the car vibrates while it's idling.   At this point, what's new.  The point of all this is, I hope you have a better car than me, and I hope that a college education will help you purchase a reliable car with some style points later on.  For now I wish I could just have my old Lexus RX300 back, which I sold to pay for school.  I know my automobile tastes are fickle though, so we'll just see what's around after I graduate.  Until then, what I'll be dreaming about...oh yeah, I'll take that house in the background, as well. :)  Have a great week!
Oh yeah, I'll take that house in the background, as well. :)  Have a great week!  Grace Valley


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