For the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to have my husband, Kyle, back at home – and I must say it’s been nice. Most of the time he’s out of town working for weeks on end, leaving my son, and very pregnant-self home to “man the deck,” so to speak. It’s always a treat when he comes home because it means that I have the opportunity to kick back and relax while he tends to our son and my every beck and call. However, I have gotten so accustomed to him being gone and when he’s back in town, it’s like the world stops moving and I fail to get anything done that I had planned.
You see, I have developed a very rigid schedule for our lives in the event of my husband’s absence from the household. This schedule works perfectly when Kyle’s not home. I’ll lay it out for you, so you too can appreciate the perfection of a day in my life:
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.:
Wake up/ shower/ get my son up and dressed/feed him breakfast
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.:
Make coffee/drink coffee/finish getting ready/ feed the animals/ let them out/ start the car
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.:
Dive my son to school/get more coffee from the coffee stand and lite breakfast/ go back home to finish packing my bags for class/ enjoy a little “me-time”
10:30 a.m.:
Drive to MSC
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.:
2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.:
4:00 pm – 5p.m.:
Leave school/pick up my son from day care/ drive home
5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.:
Make dinner/help my son with homework/ give him a bath/ do the dishes and clean kitchen/ feed animals/ do the laundry
8:00 p.m. – 10: p.m.:
Put the boy to bed/start my homework (and finish)/shower/put animals away/go to bed
Now, do you see how everything is planned out so perfectly each day? I know right? It’s amazing. Everything that I wanted to do gets done and I still have time in between to enjoy playing Super Mario with my son or watching a movie if I don’t have to do homework. This, however, is my complaint: whenever my husband comes home, my perfect little schedule gets all out of whack (not that I’m not completely excited about him being home – because I am). My time management goes right out the window and I am left scrambling at around 8 pm, to get my son’s homework, put him to bed, and pray that I have enough time in the morning/afternoon before my classes to get all of my required reading and homework done.
It seems that I lose sight of my goals and the only things I can manage to do is play video games with the family, watch TV, play with the animals, and anything other than doing my schoolwork. This lack of time management caught up with me finally this week. I was signed up to present to a group of middle-school students on the importance of making the right choices (ironic isn’t it?). Anyway, I had ALL last week to look over this training manual so I could be better prepared to present today. Alas, I waited until this morning to cram before the big event and hoped I could wing it somehow though the seminar. Anyway, Karma being what it is, had me get up early, rush my son off to school, speed over to the college and start studying until it was time to go over there. All of this was done – but about a half-hour before I was supposed to leave, I found out the presentation was cancelled. So not only did I speed my way through the morning and the training manual, I also got a friendly reminder from the fates, that I should be more attentive towards my schedule.
This brings me to my point (finally). As the semester draws closer to the end, I am finding myself speeding through life and hoping to incorporate school while zooming by. This has left me in a full-scale cram session right before the end of the semester. I not only have many papers and presentations to write, I also have a baby girl on the way, which may not let me finish up the semester (and it’s the my last semester before I graduate! Sheesh!!!). So, instead of following my schedule and being a little less stressed, I have to hurry up and get everything done before the semester ends, OR before the baby comes.

Take heed when I warn you: Don’t wait until the last minute to get your papers written, your projects presented, or your tests taken. It’s much easier when the end doesn’t look so scary, like in my case, and the road is paved with good choices, instead of bumpy mishaps and wasted time. We are all so close to the semester’s end – just keep your eye on the prize! Oh, and I will be there with you on December 7th, enjoying that cookie break - because I’ll be needing a break just as badly as some of you will be.
This is Traci, signing off – and off to study – till next time!