As the fall semester ends and Christmas slowly creeps around the corner, promising what hopes to be a delightful and non-apocalyptic 2012, I can’t help but reflect on what this year has brought me. As a Student Ambassador, I have learned so many things about my fellow Ambassadors as well as the students around campus.
There has been a lot to learn over the course of the fall term, and to be honest, most of it has slipped my mind.
Now, In my defense, I am pregnant – and with pregnancy comes progesterone, which actually shrinks the size of a woman’s brain.
Due to this temporary disability (that’s how I see it anyway), women get what is known as the “Pregnancy Stupid’s.”

Here’s an explanation for anyone who hasn’t had the glorious opportunity of losing your mind for what is close to a year:
“Pregnancy Stupid’s” can lead to forgetfulness, tongue-tiedness (I mad that word up just now), inability to complete ones sentence or thought for that matter, inappropriate statements or “Frankness,” as well as many other things that lead to your being embarrassed on a regular basis. Now, the best part of all of this is that you also suffer from the worst cases of clumsiness; tripping over your own toes, falling up the stairs, biting down on your fork while eating (as if you haven’t practiced that maneuver for years!), and running into walls because of your ever changing eye-sight and distractibility.
I am so completely amazed that I haven’t hit someone’s car by accident yet, or forgotten to come to work, or even walked out of the house with no pants on! Being pregnant this semester has taken a hold of me and shaken me like you shouldn’t shake a baby. And as the semester comes to an end, and I get closer to my due date – I will be looking forward to the days where I have my normal-sized brain and regular eye-sight back.

So to everyone that has had to put up with all of my forgetfulness, redundancy, making-up of words, gassiness, complaining, whining, throwing-up, sleepiness, laziness, craziness (do you see where I’m going here?), I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. There were times when I would have given up on me by now and just said I was crazy! But you guys held strong and I didn’t have and crying bursts during class or work, so yay!
I hope that everyone is able to look back on their year and be as grateful to have friends and co-workers as wonderful as mine!
Traci (Steele) George